Index-73550-A2-GB20-10 February 1995
NetL, DSU test, C-4
address, 4-18
addressing, link-level, 3-10
compatibility, DSU, 1-6
connection, 3-8
DDS, 3-9
dial, 3-8
NMS, 3-8
connections, 2-5
DDS (or LADS), 2-7
dial, 2-6
DSU test, initiator, C-4
DDS, 1-6
switched, 1-7
loopback, DSU test message, C-4
Next, 5-5
compatibility, 1-5
connection, figure, 2-6
control, 1-1, 1-3
DBM test, initiator, C-3
DSU test, initiator, C-4
network connection, 3-8
port test, initiator, C-5
support, 1-8
1.2 @ 56K,64K error message, C-12
Answer, DBM error message, C-10
Answer failure message, C-6
Dial Tone failure message, C-6
Expanded H/S message, C-6
Response alarm, C-2
Response error message, C-9
Ringing, DBM error message, C-10
Ringing failure message, C-6
Signal alarm, C-4
NoDialTone, DBM error message, C-10
nondisruptive diagnostics, 1-1
NoReps message, C-7
Normal message, C-7
Not in Menu error message, C-9
NotConnected, DBM error message, C-10
notice to users, D
notices, warning, C
Ntwk, DSU test, initiator, C-4
NtwkTimOut, 4-7, 5-21
feature, F-1
part, F-1
OK, status indicator, C-2
OnePrt no undspd error message, C-12
modes, 4-7
temperature, 1-4
asynchronous, 1-3
independent, 1-2
LADS, 1-1
multispeed, 1-1
verification, 2-11, 3-10
option sets, 5-5
overview, 5-1
optional features, 1-2
TDM/Flex, 1-3
V.32 DBM, 1-2
options, submenu, 4-14
Opts, 4-12
Orig, 4-7
out of warranty, 1-9
outbound, 1-3
Out-of-Frame Threshold alarm, C-2
OutofFrameThresh message, C-5
OutofServc alarm, C-4
Out-of-Service alarm, C-2
Overspeed, 5-20, 5-24
P Tst message, C-5
Packet Delay, 5-11
packets, 4-11
part number, F-1, F-3
Password, 4-6
password characters, 4-18
PCC Buffer, 5-25
Phone, 4-18
pin assignments
CC IN/DC OUT jack, hubbing device, D-3
EIA-232/V.24, D-5
V.35, D-7
dial network connector, D-2
digital network connector, D-2
hubbing device, D-3
Please wait message, C-8
PList, 4-15
point-to-point backup, 1-2, 1-3
poll list, 4-15
acquiring, 4-16
changing, 4-15
displaying, 4-15