
Configuring the Unit
5-233550-A2-GB20-10 February 1995
Table 5-10
MUX (Setup) Configuration Options
MUX Funct: Disab for MPTC; Enab for all other configurations
Next Enab Disab Prev
TDM/Flex Function
. Enables or disables the TDM/Flex.
Enab Select when you want to enable the TDM/Flex and perform multiplexing.
Disab Select when you want to disable the TDM/Flex.
Share DevA: Enab MPTT; Disab for all other configurations
Next Enab Disab Prev
Sharing Device A
. Enabling this configuration option allows you to create a digital-sharing group. The following rules
All ports in a group must have the same port speed.
All ports must be adjacent.
A digital-sharing group can have 2 ports.
Enab Select to enable the digital-sharing feature.
Disab Select to disable the digital-sharing feature.
Port Cntrl: DSD for MPTT; Host for all other configurations
Next Host DSD Prev
Port Control
. Specifies how to handle contention between the ports in a digital-sharing group.
Host Select if the Host protocol must enforce the order of transmission to avoid collisions.
DSD Select for Digital-Sharing Device if selection of the next port to transmit is based upon the
lowest-numbered port that is ready to transmit.
Table 5-11
(1 of 4)
MUX (Port) Configuration Options*
DTE Port: EIA232
Next EIA232 V.35 Prev
DTE Port
. Selects the port data will be transmitted over.
EIA232 Select when using the EIA-232 interface/connector.
V.35 Select when using the V.35 interface/connector (a V.35 Interconnect Cable must be used on Port 2).
AsyncSync: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Asynchronous-to-Synchronous Conversion
. Sets the port for asynchronous or synchronous operation.
Option Verification: When the TDM/Flex is enabled, the DSU verifies that the sum of the port speeds equals the
aggregate speed. The asynchronous setting
be specified as underspeed.
Enab Select to configure the port as asynchronous (asynchronous-to-synchronous conversion takes place).
Disab Select to configure the port as synchronous.
* The menu paths for Prt1 and Prt2 are identical.