COMSPHERE 3550 Series Data Service Units
5-28 February 1995 3550-A2-GB20-10
Table 5-13
Port Speed (DBM) Configuration Options
Prt1( 9.6): 9.6
Next 14.4 56 12.0 9.6 4.8 2.4 1.2 Disab Prev
Port 1 Speed
. Primary data rate in kbps on Port 1. (Must be set to the same value in the remote DBM.)
14.4 to — Select to set the port’s operating rate.
1.2 kbps
Disab — Select to disable the port.
Option Verification: For all ports, the DBM verifies that the sum of the individual port speeds does not exceed the
primary aggregate speed set in
in the DBM option set. If the sum of the port speeds
the primary
aggregate rate,
an underspeed port selection is required
Prt2( 9.6): 9.6 for MPTT; Disab for all other configurations
Next 14.4 12.0 19.2 9.6 4.8 2.4 1.2 Disab Prev
Port 2 Speed
. Primary data rate in kbps on Port 2. (Must be set to the same value in the remote DBM.)
14.4 to — Select to set the port’s operating rate.
1.2 kbps
Disab — Select to disable the port.
Option Verification: For all ports, the DSU verifies that the sum of the individual port speeds does not exceed the
primary aggregate speed set in
in the DBM option set. If the sum of the port speeds
the primary
aggregate rate,
an underspeed port selection is required.
Underspeed: Disab
Next Disab Prt1 Prt2 Prev
Underspeed Port
. Selects which port is to run slightly underspeed to allow for in-band framing and in-band secondary
channel transport, if used. If more than one port is active and the sum of the port speeds equals the primary aggregate
then one synchronous port must run underspeed
The number of bits per second used for in-band framing is 10. The in-band secondary channel transport speed is set in
2nd Chan(bps)
and, if used, includes the 10 bps in-band framing. A port used for asynchronous operation may not be set
for underspeed.
NOTE: When
Port Cntrl
is set to DSD or
Share DevA
is enabled (in the MUX (Setup) option set), port speeds are only
counted once per DSD when calculating used bandwidth.
Disab — No port runs underspeed during primary operation.
Prt1 or — Selected port runs underspeed during primary operation.