Getting Started
Your MERLIN communications system can be tailored to meet your specific com-
munications requirements. To customize your system, you can add a variety of system
The following pages discuss those features and explain the effect they have on your
system. These features are the first ones that should be administered to get your
system up and running. Read through this section and determine which features your
system will use.
Do you have a 34-button deluxe voice terminal with or without an Attendant Intercom
Selector as your administrator/attendant console?
The administrator/attendant console is the voice terminal connected to the
intercom-10 Voice Terminal Module jack in the control unit. The console operates in
either of two ways, depending on which mode you put it in.
It functions as your primary attendant console under day-to-day call-handling
It functions as the administrator console when you use it to establish options
and features for the system as a whole or for individual voice terminals.
To change the administrator/attendant console from one mode of operation to the
other, you just set a switch on the control unit and then set another switch on the con-
sole itself. When the console is in administration mode, some of its buttons take on
different functions than they have when the console is in the call-handling mode.
Therefore, when you administer the system, you insert in the console a special set
of administration-mode button labels so that you know which buttons to touch. But-
ton labels are provided in the back of the Administration Manual.