Would you like to be able to page a group of people at one time without disturbing
everyone on your system and without having to make a phone call to each one in the
Group Page allows you to page a particular group of employees such as department
heads, committee members, or a project team without disturbing the entire staff. The
Group Page feature allows you to page up to ten people through the voice terminal
speakers. No external paging system is needed to use this feature. You can create
up to seven paging groups, and though a voice terminal can be assigned to more
than one paging group, only ten voice terminals can be assigned to one group.
In your business are there groups of employees with similar responsibilities so that
any one of them can provide information or some other service to callers from inside
or outside your business?
Group Call Distribution allows you to assign voice terminals to a Call Distribution
group; your
system will then direct calls that are placed to the group to each
voice terminal in turn. As a result, call handling duties are shared equally.
When a call comes in on a line associated with a Call Distribution group it will ring
at the first available voice terminal in the group. All other members of the group will
receive a visual alert which will change to an audible alert if the call is not answered
after several rings. If you assign lines and line pools to a Call Distribution group, any
incoming call on one of those outside lines rings at the voice terminal of the person
whose turn it is to take the next call. Because the system searches for an available
voice terminal, callers will not get a busy signal, the line will continue to ring until
someone answers.
You can assign the attendant the call group line but with delayed ring. Then, if
everyone in the group is busy on a call, the call will ring at the attendant’s position.
If you find that the attendant is answering a lot of calls for a particular call group, you
may want to increase the number of people answering calls in that group. If the at-
tendant is answering more than a few calls a day for a call group, then you know the
group is not sufficiently staffed to handle all calls coming into it.