Night Service with Outward Restriction
Would you like to prevent unauthorized after-hours use of your business’ telephones?
When Night Service with Outward Restriction is in effect, only persons knowing your
system password can make outgoing telephone calls. Anyone not knowing the system
password can dial only emergency numbers such as local police, fire department,
or ambulance service. If someone tries to dial without first entering the password,
the call will not go through.
The MERLIN system allows you the ability to exclude voice terminals from outward
restriction. If you place a voice terminal on the Night Service Exclusion list, it will have
whatever calling restrictions have been placed on it when Night Service is not in effect.
Night Service with Time Set
Would you like the ability to turn Night Service on and off automatically?
If your MERLIN system has an SMDR module (see next section), you can turn Night
Service on and off automatically for all your voice terminals by entering the time of
day at which you want Night Service to begin and end. Your attendants can override
this automatic operation and turn Night Service on and off manually.
For example, if your Monday through Friday business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., you can set Night Service to go off automatically at 8:00 a.m. and come on again
at 5:00 p.m. In addition, assuming you do not have business hours on Saturday and
Sunday, you can administer Night Service to come on at 5:00 p.m. Friday and go
off at 8:00 a.m. Monday. If your receptionist occasionally arrives at 7:30 a.m., he or
she can turn Night Service off as soon as he or she arrives.
Would you like to keep records of your business’ incoming and outgoing calls?
SMDR generates call reports that include such information as the date and time of
each call, its duration, and the line and voice terminal on which the call was made.
The call report can help you develop records of your system and individual telephone
traffic patterns so you can use your system effectively. You can assign account
numbers to clients, and then use the account numbers to identify who to bill for calls.
In order to print out your call reports, you need to have a printer connected to your
SMDR Module in your control unit.
Do many of your employees repeatedly call the same telephone numbers (for exam-
ple, customers or vendors)?
You can assign System Speed Dial codes to selected numbers and store them in
your system so that people can reach the numbers by dialing the abbreviated codes.
The System Speed Dial feature allows all employees to have access to the same
Speed Dial codes without specially programming their own voice terminals; it also
allows voice terminals that have call restrictions to dial these numbers. You can assign
up to 40 System Speed Dial Codes for your system. Assigning System Speed Dial
Codes does not affect the ability of individuals to assign their own Personal Speed
Dial numbers (See page 27.)