Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 12-9
Configuring IP Routing
MAC Format Select the MAC address format for the interface.
Options include:
• Ethernet V2
• Simple Network Access Protocol (SNAP)
ARP Timeout Enter the timeout period for Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) in seconds.The ARP Timeout value is the period of
time the switch will wait for data from a station, if no data
is received, the station is deleted from the ARP Table.
The default is 14,400 seconds (4 hours).
Directed Broadcast When the IP Directed Broadcast feature is Enabled, it
allows a Network Directed Broadcast (unicast IP address
with the Host ID set to all One's) to be forwarded by the
router on the selected interface. The default is Enable.
IP Routing Select enable or disable IP routing on the interface.
Options include:
• Routing/Mgmt (Default) - Enables you to manage
the switch, from the Command Line Interface (CLI)
or the Web Agent, and configure IP routing for the
• Mgmt Only - Enables you to manage the switch,
however, IP routing is disabled for this interface.
Note: Do not enable routing protocols on an interface
configured for Mgmt Only since the interface
will act as an end point and will not pass traffic.
• Routing Only - IP routing is enabled on the
interface, but you cannot manage the switch through
the interface. Routing Only interfaces do not permit
management traffic destined for local interfaces but
do allow all other traffic including management
traffic destined for interfaces on other switches.
RIP Enable or disable RIP. The default value is Disable.
OSPF Enable or disable OSPF. The default value is Disable.
Note: To Enable OSPF, The Admin State of the IP
interface must be set to down. Enable OSPF and
then set the Admin State to up.
Table 12-1. Add IP Interface Web Page Fields
Parameter Allows you to...
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