Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 12-31
Configuring IP Routing
This section contains the following procedures:
■ Configuring IGMP
■ Globally Enabling IGMP
■ Modifying IGMP Interfaces
■ Configuring and Modifying DVMRP
■ Configuring the DVMRP Global Configuration
■ Modifying a DVMRP Interface
Configuring IGMP
IGMP enables hosts to inform routers when they join or leave groups.
Routers periodically query hosts (query interval) for the groups in which the
hosts are members. When there is more than one router in a broadcast
domain (subnet), one of the routers becomes the designated querier. Only
the designated router queries the hosts.
Both IGMP Version 1.0 and IGMP Version 2.0 are supported. After
selecting the specific IGMP version for an interface, you can manually
configure the Version 1.0 querier. The selection of the querier for Version
2.0 is dynamic but can be overridden.
Globally Enabling IGMP
Configuring IGMP includes enabling IGMP and the MTRACE globally on
the switch. You can do this from either the Web Agent or the CLI.
* Note: You also have to enable multicast forwarding from the Routing
> IP > Configuration > Global
Web Agent
To globally enable IGMP from the Web Agent:
1. In the navigation pane, expand the Routing > IP > Configuration
folders, and then click Global Configuration. The IP Global
Configuration Web page is displayed in the content pane. See
Figure 12-4.
2. Select Enable from the IP Multicast Forwarding field pull-down menu
to enable IP multicast globally.
3. In the navigation pane, expand the Routing > IGMP folders, and then
click Global Configuration. The IGMP Global Configuration Web
page is displayed in the content pane. See Figure 12-15.