Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 3-5
Configuring System Information
Setting Summer Time Hours
Summer Time Hours, also referred to as Daylight Savings Time (DST), is
the strategy of moving clocks ahead to provide greater amounts of daylight
in the afternoon and to standardize time with other parts of the world. In
many parts of the world, the Summer Time Hours algorithm is based on a
standardized rule. For example, in the Western hemisphere, the rule used by
most locations in Canada, Mexico, and the United States is to set clocks
forward by one hour at 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday in April and back an
hour at 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday in October annually. Many countries in
Europe and Asia follow similar rules. The offset, or amount of time by
which the clock is set forward or backward, varies from country to country.
Many parts of the world follow a one-time change of Summer Time Hours.
When you configure the switch for these locations, you reset the clock by
specifying a scheduled time and date.
This section provides the following procedures:
■ Setting Recurring Summer Time Hours
■ Setting One-Time Summer Time Hours
* Note: If you upgrade your switch from a previous version, the local
time settings are saved as Greenwich Mean Time values.
Always change the Summer Time Hours Algorithm before you
set the clock.
Setting Recurring Summer Time Hours
You can set recurring summer time hours using either the Web Agent or the
Web Agent
To set recurring Summer Time Hours using the Web Agent:
1. In the navigation pane, expand the System > Configuration folders, and
then click System Clock.
The System Clock Web page is displayed in the content pane. See
Figure 3-4.