Installing a new G700 with an S8300 using the Avaya Installation Wizard
164 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
The IW proceeds to display the following screens, some or all of which the EPW or you may fill
in, depending on your planning documentation:
● Product ID - a product ID, obtained from Avaya’s Automatic Registration Tool (ART)
● Software Upgrade - install a version of Communication Manager, either a new version, an
upgrade, or use a currently installed version
The Avaya Communication Manager Software Upgrade screen displays.
Avaya Communication Manager Software Upgrade screen
The Upload New Release button allows a new resident release to be copied to the server.
The IA770 Msg Software checkbox indicates your preference to install the IA770
Messaging component, when installing the specified release.
● Software Update - remove and/or install software service packs
● Unicode Install - install Standard and Custom Unicode phone message files that provide
unicode messages for display sets that are in the desired unicode language format
● Media Server IP - configure the S8300 Media Server to access the LAN (EPW fills this in).
If you are installing an IA770 INTUITY AUDIX Messaging Application, enter a separate IP
address for the IA770 integration IP address, which the server uses to send control
messages and VoIP voice signals to the IA770 system. This address must be different
from the server IP address.