Upgrade the firmware on the G700 Media Gateway
Issue 9.1 June 2006 653
2. Verify the response,
Command Successfully Completed
Note: If you see the response, Board Not Inserted, this means that the media
module is still rebooting. Wait one minute and repeat the release board
3. Repeat the release board command for each media module that was busied out.
Setting rapid spanning tree on the network
Spanning Tree (STP) is a loop avoidance protocol. If you don't have loops in your network, you
don't need STP. The "safe" option is always to leave STP enabled. Failure to do so on a network
with a loop (or a network where someone inadvertently plugs the wrong cable into the wrong
ports) will lead to a complete cessation of all traffic. Rapid Spanning Tree is a fast-converging
protocol, faster than the earlier STP, that enables new ports much faster (sub-second) than the
older protocol. Rapid Spanning Tree works with all Avaya equipment, and can be
Rapid Spanning Tree is set using the P330 stack processor command line interface.
To enable/disable spanning tree
1. Open a telnet session on the P330 stack processor, using the serial cable connected to the
Console port of the G700.
2. At the P330-x(super)# prompt, type set spantree help and press Enter to display the
set spantree commands selection.
3. To enable Spanning Tree, type set spantree enable and press Enter.
4. To set the rapid spanning tree version, type set spantree version
rapid-spanning-tree and press Enter.
The 802.1w standard defines differently the default path cost for a port compared to STP
(802.1d). In order to avoid network topology change when migrating to RSTP, the STP path
cost is preserved when changing the spanning tree version to RSTP. You can use the
default RSTP port cost by typing the CLI command set port spantree cost auto.
Note: Avaya P330s now support a "Faststart" or "Portfast" function, because the
802.1w standard defined it. An edge port is a port that goes to a device that
cannot form a network loop.
To set an edge-port, type set port edge admin state module/port
For more information on the Spanning Tree CLI commands, see the Avaya P330 User’s Guide
(available at http://www.avaya.com/support