Issue 9.1 June 2006 737
Appendix B: Information checklists
This appendix is can be used as an aid for collecting necessary information for the installation of
a G700 Media Gateway and an S8300 Media Server.
The following lists are provided:
● Installer's Checklist: Tools, software, laptop settings, customer network information.
● Serial Number and Login Information: Serial numbers of the G700s and login/passwords
for various access methods.
● Set-Up for P330 Stack Processor: IP addresses and setup commands for the P330 stack
● Set Up for G700 Media Gateway Processor (MGP): IP addresses and setup commands
for the MGP.
● Set Up for VoiP Resources: IP addresses, slot numbers, and setup commands for the
VoIP media modules.
● Set Up for S8300 Media Server: IP addresses and setup commands for the S8300.
● Installation Site Information: Customer and site contact information
● Stack Layout: G700 stack arrangement and slot assignments.