
21. Wrapping it Up: It is important that all the wires be properly routed and secured.
Double check the photos and sketches with regards to wire routing. Make sure the wires
do not pass over any sharp edges, are pulled overly tight, or can be crushed by the seat,
tank, fender, etc. Use all the zip ties provided to securely fasten the wires. Any
unwanted movement or chafing means early failure when off the road. Note : When zip
tying the wires, do so separately of the radiator vent hose to the overflow tank. Make
sure you do not cut off the flow in this line with a too tight zip tie. Make sure all the
silicone rubber connector boots and the connectors are pushed firmly together and no
bare metal is exposed. Put on the seat, tank, and side panels, slide on down to your local
DMV, and then go roost!
Nothing Happens When You Turn the Power Switch On.
• Fuse is blown. Check for bare wire or terminal shorting against the frame or another
• Multi-pin connector not properly connected.
• Battery connection poor. Make sure the connectors are fully seated.
• Battery is dead. Measure voltage with voltmeter, or connect a 12 volt light across it.
• Poor connection at the blue wire junction on the airbox.
The Turn Signals Won't Come On, or Won't Flash
The wires on the flasher are connected backward. The red wire goes to the terminal
labeled "B".
• Check turn signal wire connections.
• Make sure you have connected the correct wires to the turn signals. Check
Battery voltage is low. If the battery voltage is low, the turn signals won't flash, or will
flash very slowly. Running the bike will cure this as well as charge the battery.
The Brake Light Won't Come On
The rear brake system is not properly bled.
• Maybe it's on already. Brake and tail connections are reversed. The brake light is
already on so their is no increase in light intensity when you activate the brake. Check
the yellow and blue taillight connections.
• Short the two leads together at the brake switch. If the brakelight comes on, either the
brake switch is defective, or the brake system is not properly bled.
If you still need assistance, call Baja Designs at (858) 578-9111
Care and Feeding of your Battery: Your kit contains a 12 volt 0.8 ampere-hour Ni-
Cad battery. These batteries are very durable, require no maintenance, and can be
mounted in any position. There are certain things you can do however to maximize its
life. The alternator and voltage regulator in your kit keep your battery fully charged