
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
2011-02 | Installation and User Instructions | 5 | Call Stations en | 242
21.2.1 Power supply/input contacts
The external interface for the back-up supply consists of
a pin header connector with 8 positions (see the PCB for
the pin numbering). The connector provides also two
control inputs. These can be used to receive signals
from other equipment that must trigger actions in the
Praesideo network.
The control inputs can be configured to act on contact
make or on contact break (see section 42.5). It is also
possible to supervise the cables for short-circuits and
open connections (see figure 21.3 and figure 21.4).
Whether a control input is actually supervised or not is
defined in the configuration.
With the exception of the connection to X908,
the wiring of all other connectors must be less
than 3 meter in length.
table 21.1: X2 connector details
Pin Signal
3 Back-up supply
4 Back-up supply
5 Control input 1 (negative)
6 Control input 1 (positive)
7 Control input 2 (negative)
8 Control input 2 (positive)
table 21.2: X2 technical data
External voltage:
18 t o 56 V
External current:
max. 2 A
Control input 1 and control input 2
Resistance detection (supervision enabled):
Cable short circuit
< 2.5 kohm
Contact closed
7. 5 k o h m to12 kohm
Contact open
17. 5 k o h m to 22 kohm
Cable broken
> 27 kohm
Resistance detection (supervision disabled):
Contact closed
< 12 kohm
Contact open
> 17.5 ko h m
figure 21.3: Supervised control input
figure 21.4: Non-supervised control input
Do not connect DC or AC signals to the control
inputs, otherwise the input circuit may be
damaged. Only use voltage-free contacts.
Control input
GND Control input