
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 7 | System Hardware Installation en | 305
the power consumption scales with the output power
in an almost linear way.
The idle power consumption is specified in the
amplifier section of the manual and should be
divided by 48V to get the idle supply current for that
amplifier, and then multiply by 24 hours to get the
required battery capacity in Ah for that amplifier in
idle state.
For EN54-16 systems, the use of the amplifier power
save mode is not permitted.
During emergency calls often an alarm tone is
broadcast. The maximum level of such a tone is
-3dB, corresponding to half the rated output power.
The -3dB power consumption of the amplifiers is
also specified in the technical data section. Divide by
48V and multiply by 0.5 to get the required battery
capacity in Ah for that amplifier for a maximum
level alarm tone during 30 minutes. In case the
amplifier is only partly loaded the battery capacity
can be reduced accordingly. In case live speech or
spoken messages are used instead of tones, the
capacity can be halved again because the rms output
level of speech is typically < -6dB for full output. In
case an alarm tone has less than 100% duty cycle (i.e.
contains a silence period) the capacity can be
reduced accordingly. In case the output level is less
than the maximum output level, again the capacity
can be reduced accordingly.
For spare amplifiers only the idle current
consumption should be taken into account.
The power consumption of all units that are powered
by the network controller is given in section 33.2.
Add up for all connected units, divide by 48V and
multiply bij 24.5 hours to get the required battery
capacity in Ah for these units.
Take the sum of all calculated battery capacities and
multiply by 1.25, as a margin to compensate for
battery capacity loss due to aging of the batteries.
To reduce the risk of making errors, it is strongly
recommended to use the Praesideo Power Requirement
33.4 Power sources
By default, the only power source in the system is the
network controller. Each system bus connector on the
rear of the network controller provides 55 Watt.
If more power is needed, external power supplies must
be used to feed the system. The following units have a
provision for connecting external power supplies:
PRS-NSP Network Splitter. An external power
supply that is connected to a network splitter only
adds power to the tap-offs.
PRS-FIN(S), PRS-FINNA Fiber Interface. An
external power supply that is connected to a fiber
interface only adds power to the Praesideo system
LBB4433/00 Call Station Kit. An external power
supply that is connected to a call station kit only
adds power to the call station kit.
PRS-CSI Call Station Interface. An external power
supply that is connected to a call station interface
only adds power to call station interface and
optionally to the connected remote call station (kit).
PRS-CSR Remote Call Station. An external power
supply that is connected to a remote call station only
adds power to the remote call station and optionally
to the connected call station interface.
PRS-CSRK Remote Call Station Kit. An external
power supply that is connected to a remote call
station kit only adds power to the remote call station
kit and optionally to the connected call station
The amount of Watt provided by an external power
supply is calculated as follows:
If you create a redundant ring and you do not
use additional power supplies, you can connect
up to 55 Watt to the network controller. This is
to ensure that when there is a fault in the
network close to one of the system bus
connectors of the network controller, the other
system bus connector can still feed the entire