
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 11 | Optional Software en | 477
priority call (in which case it is also filled with color, see
figure 60.12), but in case a required audio
interconnection to the subsystem with this zone is not
available, see section, no control is possible
either. Such a zone can be selected but will not be
addressed when the call is started. No control is
indicated by cross hatching of the selection border.
From left to right: Unselected and no control possible,
Selected by a business call and no control possible,
Selected by an emergency call and no control possible.
The figure 60.10 shows how a zone appears on the
screen when the network controller it belongs to is
disconnected form the PC Call Server. This is a fault
condition, although it does not mean that this zone
cannot be addressed by e.g. a call station which is
directly connected to the Praesideo network of that
zone. This icon only indicates that this zone cannot be
addressed by the PC Call Station Clients.
The figure 60.11 shows how a zone and zone group
appear on the screen when a fault exists in this zone or
zone group. A warning triangle is visible on top of the
normal icon. This is a fault situation that causes that
(part of) a zone cannot be reached for calls anymore.
See section 47.3.32 for more details.
The figure 60.12 shows how a zone appears on the
screen when a selected internal call is running in that
zone, i.e. a predefined call that was started from this PC
Call Station Client and is still selected. A zone with a
running, internal and selected call is indicated by a color
filled circle.
From left to right: Internal business call selected and
running, Internal emergency call selected and running.
The figure 60.13 shows how a zone appears on the
screen when it is occupied by an external call, i.e. a call
that was not started as the currently predefined call from
this PC Call Station Client. A running external call is
indicated by a color filled square. In this case the
selected predefined call of the PC Call Station Client has
a higher priority than the active call in the occupied
zone, otherwise the selection border would have been
cross hatched, see figure 60.9, to indicate that this zone
cannot be taken over.
From left to right: Unselected and not occupied,
Occupied by external business call, Occupied by
external emergency call.
Zone groups and PC Call Station zone groups can have
a partial status. This means that not all zones of a zone
group have the same status. Some can be available for a
call, while others are occupied by a lower or higher
priority call. This is indicated by a yellow square or
circle inside the icon.
A yellow square means that a zone group is partly
occupied. If the border is also hatched none of the zones
can be addressed. If the border is solid at least one zone
is still addressable. A yellow circle means that an
internal business or emergency call is running, but not
to all zones of that group. By adding separate zone icons
to the same view, it is possible to see what the individual
zone status is. The figure 60.14 shows in the first line
from left to right: Zone group unselected and partly
figure 60.10: Disconnected zone
figure 60.11: Zonefault
figure 60.12: Zone addressed by call
figure 60.13: Occupied zone
figure 60.14: Partial status