Manual for BL-521 5_3.doc © Copyright Brainboxes Limited 2004 Page 19 of 41
4.2.2. Main Menu
Sending the “Enter” character to the BL-521
accesses its main menu. This is also sometimes
referred to as “Carriage Return”.
All basic configuration options for BL-521 are
accessed via this menu. Advanced features are not
available from the menu interface.
Users wishing to alter “advanced” settings can do so
by either using the Windows Configuration
application documented above, or by using the
commands documented below.
4.2.3. Communications Parameters
Selecting option 1 from the “Main Menu” menu
displays the Communications settings menu.
It is from this menu that all available serial port
settings can be changed. The available options are
detailed below.
The factory set communications parameters for your
BL-521 are as follows…
Baud Rate: 115,200
Data Bits: 8 (non-configurable)
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
You can alter these settings by using the
configuration menu options shown below.
The user is first prompted to change the Baud Rate.
The current setting is shown. To change the baud
rate, just type the rate you want to use and press
<enter>. The converter will accept any number you
type, but will set the baud rate to the one that’s
closest to what it can actually achieve.
Press “Esc” to skip this setting – the current setting
will remain unchanged