
Manual for BL-521 5_3.doc © Copyright Brainboxes Limited 2004 Page 6 of 41
3. Product Configuration
This device contains a comprehensive set of Bluetooth and COM port features which can be changed from an easy
to use Windows Configuration Application. This section gives full details about the changes that can be made, how
to make them, and the implications the changes will have on the manner in which your converter behaves.
3.1. Configuration features at a glance
Below is a quick list of the configuration options that are available from the configuration application. They will be
covered in more detail later in this section.
View/Set local COM port settings (baud rate, parity, stop bits)
View/Set Discoverability, Security mode and PIN number
View/Set Pairing options (including pairing to another converter)
View/Set Client/Server configuration (Client connects to Server – important if “pairing” 2 converters)
View/Set Local Device Name and Device Class
View all “factory” and modified settings plus local Bluetooth Address
Disable command interface and configuration menu
Permanently update “factory” settings
Upgrade Device Firmware
3.2. Installing the Configuration Application
Insert the CD supplied with the product, open Windows Explorer and navigate to your CD drive. In the “BL-521
Configuration Utility” folder, double click the “Setup.exe” file and follow the onscreen instructions as shown below: