Manual for BL-521 5_3.doc © Copyright Brainboxes Limited 2004 Page 33 of 41
9.3.4. Secure the relationship
This is where you must “Bond” or “Pair” with the device. This
is a feature of Bluetooth, which allows secure
communications to take place. It is also used to stop other
devices from performing unauthorised connections.
You can start the bonding process by selecting and right
clicking on your BL-521 from the main screen. This brings up
a context menu from which you should select the “Bond”
If you have configured your BL-521 from the menu to use a
low security mode (and thus not require bonding) then this
step can be skipped and you can jump straight to section
“9.3.5 Connect to the Serial Port profile”.
You will then be prompted to enter a PIN number. Enter the
Pin number (which is 1234 by default, unless you have used
the configuration menu to change it). Click OK
The Icon of your BL-521 in the main window should now
change to indicate a “bonded” status as shown here.
9.3.5. Connect to the Serial Port profile
In order to actually connect to the appropriate function on the
BL-521 you will need to discover it’s services.
Double-Click the device selected.
This will display a serial port service called “Serial 01”
Double clicking this service (or right clicking and selecting the
“connect” option), will create a COM port style connection to
the BL-521.
This screen shot shows that the port in our example here is
listed as COM25, although yours will most likely be a much
lower number than this.
This “COM” port is now available for any application to use to
communicate with your device, or in our case, the
9.3.6. Connect your application to the new COM port
In our initial testing at our labs, we use the HyperTerminal application included in Windows to open the new COM
port. See documentation above for details of using the HyperTerminal application