SNA Status and Configuration
7-22 Configuring LLC2
The value is the amount of time in milliseconds; the default value is 100. The
value must be less than the value for the T1-Reply Timer (see above) to ensure
that the remote link station will receive the delayed acknowledgment before the
T1 Timer expires.
Ti-Inactivity Timer
This timer is used by the local node to detect an inoperative condition in either the
remote link station or the transmission medium. The timer will be started if the
T1-Reply Timer has been reset (see above), and additional LPDUs have been sent
by the remote link station, and there are no outstanding acknowledgments or
responses from the local node.
If the local node does not receive an LPDU before the Ti-Inactivity Timer expires,
the station must send an LPDU with the P bit set to BÕ1Õ to solicit the remote
stationÕs status. Recovery then proceeds as described under T1-Reply Timer (see
The value is the amount of time in seconds; the default value is 30.
N3-LPDU Count
This is the number of Information LPDUs that will be received by the local node
before it sends an acknowledgment. This parameter is used in conjunction with
the T2-Recv Ack Timer to allow stations to reduce trafÞc. A counter is initialized
to the value speciÞed, and is decremented by one each time a valid sequential
Information LPDU is received. When the counter reaches 0, an acknowledgment
is sent. The counter is reset whenever an Information or Supervisory
acknowledgment LPDU is sent by the local node. The default value for this
parameter is 3.
Tw-LPDUs Outstanding
This is the maximum number of sequentially numbered Information LPDUs that
the local node can have outstanding. When the number is reached, an
acknowledgment will be sent. The default value for this parameter is 7.
N2-Expired T1 LPDUs
This is the maximum number of times that an LPDU (including Information
LPDUs resent after a checkpoint operation) will be sent following the expiration
of the T1 Timer. The default value for this parameter is 8.
This Þeld prioritizes the interface for trafÞc within the device; the higher the
number, the higher the priority. This priority has no effect on trafÞc exiting the
device. Priorities are conÞgured on all logical interfaces that use a physical frame
relay port. The FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 processor uses these priorities to help
determine the order in which it will process protocols. The default value for this
parameter is 0.