Bridge Configuration
11-6 Configuring Bridge Ports
Bandwidth Allocation Group
This parameter assigns the bridge port to one of 16 Bandwidth Allocation Groups
BAGs regulate bandwidth usage by outgoing trafÞc on the physical link and can
ensure that response time-sensitive trafÞc get access to the available frame relay
bandwidth. Up to 16 groups can be conÞgured through console management
(refer to your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware documentation for more
This Þeld speciÞes the RFC 1490 encapsulation method that will be used for
bridged trafÞc. Selecting Tb 8023 will add an Ethernet header to the frame;
selecting Srb 8025 will add a Token Ring header to the frame; selecting Native
LLC2 results is no MAC address header being added to the frame. If Native LLC2
is selected, the interface can only be used for terminated LLC2 trafÞc. The default
value for this parameter is LLC2.
Session Type
This Þeld is conÞgurable only if you have selected Native LLC2 as your RFC 1490
encapsulation method in the Format Þeld (see above). For Session Type, if you
select Originated, then LLC2 connections from the conÞgured Host MAC Address
(see below) can use this interface. If you select Terminated, then connections to the
conÞgured Host MAC address can use this interface. The default value for this
parameter is Originated.
Host MAC Address
This Þeld is conÞgurable only if you have selected Native LLC2 as your RFC 1490
encapsulation method in the Format Þeld (see above). Enter the MAC address of
the LLC2 host or workstation to which the remote LAN device needs to connect.
This MAC address will match the address of the LLC2 host in the SNA/LLC2
Host Table (see Chapter 7 SNA Status and ConÞguration, for more information on
conÞguring LLC2 hosts).
This Þeld is conÞgurable only if you have selected Srb 8025 (Token Ring) as your
RFC 1490 encapsulation method in the Format Þeld (see above).This ID is only
used in an 802.5 Source Route environment and is normally assigned by a system
administrator. It identiÞes the ring number used by the frame relay-compliant
source route bridge at the other end of the frame relay PVC.
Each LAN ID must be unique among all LAN IDs throughout the network on
which this device will operate.
Bandwidth allocation groups cannot currently be conÞgured via SPMA; for more
information on conÞguring these groups, see your FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 hardware