Using the FRX4000, FRX6000, and SmartSwitch 1800 Hub View
2-26 Monitoring Hub Performance
Frames Queued The total number of frames from all active serial ports on
the selected RLP currently queued and waiting for
transmission, expressed as a raw value. Queued frames
will be transmitted as soon as device resources permit.
Used Buffers Displays the percentage of available buffers currently
being used by queued frames.
Serial Port Health
To access Serial Port Health statistics:
1. In the Hub View, click on the appropriate Port Index or Port Status text box to
display the Port Menu (see Figure 2-3, page 2-6).
2. Drag down to Health, and release. The Port Health Statistics window,
Figure 2-13, will appear.
Figure 2-13. The Port Health Statistics Window
The Serial Port Health Statistics windows display the same statistics for each
conÞgured serial port, regardless of type:
Frames Received The total number of frames received on the selected
serial port, expressed as a rate (frames/second).
Frames Transmitted The total number of frames transmitted on the selected
serial port, expressed as a rate (frames/second).
Frames Retransmitted The total number of frames retransmitted on the selected
serial port, expressed as a rate (frames/second). Frames
are typically retransmitted to correct errors or if the
receiving device was too busy to receive the original
frames; a high retransmit rate can indicate a noisy
transmission line.
FCS Errors The total number of frames received at the selected serial
port that contained a bad frame check sequence (FCS),
expressed as a rate (errors/second). The frame check