
Viewer for PC
Changing the Video Source Size
If multiple video source sizes are specified on the camera server, these buttons can be used to
select the size used for display. Changing the video source size does not change the size of the
video displayed.
* The effects of the Video Source Size Change Button may not be reflected in all camera servers or settings.
Using Full-Screen Mode
You can use this function to view the video displayed at full-screen size. If you click the [Full-
Screen Mode] button and then click [OK] in the confirmation dialog box that appears, the video
appears at full-screen size. To revert to the
original video size, press the [Esc] key. If you
click the right mouse button while in full-screen
mode, a pop-up menu
appears from which
you can choose to
return to the original
video size or pop up
the panorama window
on the current video.
Makes the video source one level coarser (faster frame rate).
Makes the video source one level smoother (better video quality).
Using the Viewer for PC