43Document HandlingChapter 4
Document Handling
Loading Documents
Follow this procedure to load documents in the ADF:
The document is now ready for scanning.
Problems With Multipage Documents
If you have trouble feeding multipage documents in the ADF, remove the stack and
tap it on a flat surface to even the edges. Then “slant” the stack so that its front edge
is bevelled, and insert the stack in the ADF.
1 Adjust the document guides to the
width of the document.
2 Gently insert the top of the document,
face down, in the ADF until you hear a
• Tap multipage documents on a flat
surface to even the edges before
inserting them in the ADF.
• For a multipage document, the pages are fed one by one from the bottom of the stack.
• Wait until all pages of your document have been scanned before starting a new job.
To avoid feeding problems, make sure the document meets the document requirements