The following parameter descriptions using the ‘%’ symbol are possible.
■ Available Modifiers
Available modifiers in each setting item are as follows:
HTTP Upload (➞ P.1-22)
Parameter (query string)
All of the modifiers can be used.
FTP Upload (➞ P.1-23)
Subdirectory Name to Create
Available modifiers are %y, %m, %d, %w, %H, %h and %n only.
File Name to Create
Available modifiers are %y, %m, %d, %w, %H, %M, %S, %s and %n only.
E-mail Notification (➞ P.1-24)
All of the modifiers can be used.
Initiation cause of
shooting operation (number)
Initiation cause of
shooting operation (character string)
Image width
Image height
Camera number
Camera name
Pan position
Tilt position
Zoom position
Camera server
Year of shot
Month of shot
Day of shot
Weekday of shot
Hour of shot
Minute of shot
Second of shot
Millisecond of shot
Time zone of shot
Weekday name of shot
Month name of shot
Host name
*If an unconformity is found, an error occurs during the execution.
*For undefined "characters, “%” will be removed.
0 (test) | 1 (External Device Input 1) | 2 (External Device Input 2) | 33 (interval timer)
130 (motion detection “area 1”) | 131 (motion detection “area 2”)
132 (motion detection “area 3”) | 133 (motion detection “area 4”)
“External device input name (alphanumeric characters)” | “Motion detection area name 1/2/3/4”
“NULL (blank character/for interval timer and test)”
Number of horizontal pixels
Number of vertical pixels
“Camera name (alphanumeric characters)”
-179.99 ~ 180.00
-179.99 ~ 180.00
0.1 ~ 300.00
2001 ~ 2031
1 ~ 12
1 ~ 31
0 ~ 6 (corresponds to Sun. to Sat.)
00 ~ 23
00 ~ 59
00 ~ 59
000 ~ 999
-1200 ~ +1300
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
“Host Name”