▼HTTP Server
1 HTTP Port
Set the HTTP port number to 80 or between 1024 and 65535.
Normally use 80 (factory default setting).
2 Global Address for the Web Page
Enter the global address and the port number to assign a fixed global address to the camera
(➞ P.4-10) using router’s NAT function. When “IP Address” is selected, enter the IP address
specified in the “IP Address” field. When “Host Name” is selected, enter the host name specified
in “DNS” in “Network”. Perform any necessary settings in “DNS” (➞ P.1-9).
Set Up the Image, Audio and HTTP Servers (Server)
● Switch between Line In and Microphone In in the setting page according to the
specifications of the microphone you use (➞ P.1-27).
Be sure to use the correct settings to avoid damaging to the camera and microphone.
● Volume and audio quality may vary depending on the characteristics of the
● Use the VK-Lite viewer to send audio via VB-C60’s audio output terminal. It cannot
be sent from the VB-C60 viewer (➞d Start Guide P.1-8).
● Use a speaker with amprifier to connect to the camera (➞d Start Guide P.3-7).
● When “Echo Canceller” is set to “Enable”, audio quality and volume may be affected.
Use this function according to the environment where you install and how you use
the VB-C60.
● Before using audio transmission function, be sure to read “Usage Notice of Audio”
carefully (➞d Start Guide P.xiv).
● If you change the setting of “HTTP Port”, the currently-used browser may become
unable to access the camera. Be sure to read the note in the “Setting Items That
Require a Reboot” page (➞ P.1-43), in advance.
● When selecting “IP Address” in “Global address for the Web page”, be sure to set
both “IP Address (global address for the Web page)” and “Port Number (global
address for the Web page)”. When selecting “Host Name”, be sure to set “DNS” ➞
“Host Name” in “Network”, too.