Log Message List
Message %1 request denied [%2]
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Rejection type (41 | 43 | …)
Explanation A client connection was rejected due to an authentication error (41), resource shortage (43),
specification of an unsupported codec (45), specification of an unsupported stream (46), restriction
on the number of clients (49), operation mode (4a).
Countermeasure 41: Check the user name, password, or user list. 43: Reconnect or reboot the camera. 45-46: Use
supported client software. 49: Check the setting of the number of clients. 4a: Check that use of the
Audio Server is allowed.
●B102 Client connection rejected [notice]
Message %1 access denied [%2]
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Rejection type (41 | 43 | …)
Explanation Although connection was allowed at the start of the session, the settings have been changed to
ban the client access and the client has been forcibly disconnected from the Audio Server (the
rejection types are the same as B102).
●B103 Client forcibly disconnected [notice]
Message cannot use audio device for tx [%1 : %2]
%1 Error process (ld | buff)
%2 Error number
Explanation An audio device error was detected.
Countermeasure Reboot the camera. If the problem persists, ask for service.
●B301 Transmission audio device error [err]
Message wvaudio initialization error [%1]
%1 Error number
Explanation The Audio Server initialization failed. The Audio Server will stop.
Countermeasure Reboot the camera. If the problem persists, it is an Audio Server failure. Ask for service.
●B402 Audio Server initialization failed [crit]
Message cannot set config [%1]
%1 Error number
Explanation Update of the setting values failed. The Audio Server will stop.
Countermeasure Reboot the camera. If the problem persists, it is an Audio Server failure. Ask for service.
●B403 Setting change failed [crit]
Message audio device initialization error [%1]
%1 Error number
Explanation The Audio device initialization failed. The Audio Server will stop.
Countermeasure Reboot the camera. If the problem persists, it is an Audio Device failure. Ask for service.
●B401 Audio device initialization failed [crit]
Message %1 unusual request [%2]
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Error type (400 | 404 | ...)
Explanation A request was rejected due to a command error (400) or parameter error (404).
●B101 Abnormal request received [notice]