
1. From standby mode press the Center Select
Key c [MENU], then press the Directional Key
r right twice for SETTINGS & TOOLS, 3
Bluetooth Menu.
2. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
select the paired device.
3. Press the Right Soft Key R [Options].
4. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
select one of the following options, then press
the Center Select Key c [OK].
1. Remove Device: Removes a device from the
pairing list.
2. Rename Device: Renames a paired device.
3. Incoming Security: Sets permissions for
connecting an incoming device.
4. Service Discovery: Searches for services
supported by the selected device.
5. Device Info: Displays device information.
k My Phone Name
To edit the Bluetooth
name of your phone:
1. From standby mode press the Center Select
Key c [MENU], then press the Directional Key
r right twice for SETTINGS & TOOLS, 3
Bluetooth Menu.