Contacts in Your Phone’s Memory
2. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
highlight the Contact entry you want to edit, then
press the Left Soft Key L [Edit].
3. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
highlight the phone number.
4. Edit the phone number as necessary, then press
the Center Select Key c [SAVE].
k Editing Stored Names
1. From standby mode press the Right Soft Key R
[Contacts]. Your Contacts display alphabetically.
2. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
highlight the Contact entry you want to edit, then
press the Left Soft Key L [Edit].
3. Edit the name as necessary, then press the
Center Select Key c [SAVE].
k Deleting a Phone Number from a Contact
1. From standby mode press the Right Soft Key R
2. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
highlight the Contact entry, then press the Left
Soft Key L [Edit].
3. Press the Directional Key j up or down to
highlight the phone number to be deleted.