not fit on the screen. The currently selected item is
indicated by a cursor on the screen.
k Home Page
To go to the Home Page, press the Clear Key C.
k Soft Keys
To navigate to different screens or select special
functions, use the Soft Keys. The function associated
with the Soft Keys can change for each page and
depends on each highlighted item.
• Left Soft Key
The Left Soft Key L is used to access the option
displayed above it.
• Right Soft Key
The Right Soft Key
R is used to access the Main
k Entering Text, Numbers or Symbols
When prompted to enter text, the current text entry
method appears above the Right Soft Key
R as Abc,
Symbol, Number or T9 Word.
To change the input mode, press the Right Soft Key
. To enter an upper case character, press *.
The current text method appears above the Right Soft
Key R as Abc (initial capital letters), ABC (all capital
letters) or abc (all lower case letters) and allows you
to shift input case sensitivity.