Environment Setup
If the I/O Box to be connected to the PC is a Satellite I/O Box, select "RS-232C" from the
"Configure" menu of the Upload/Download Utility, then select "Settings" from the same menu.
Fig. 2.8 RS-232C Main Menu screen
In the COM PORT field select the COM port number in the PC to be used.
In the Baud Rate field select the communication speed (baud rate) of the RS-232C.
Parity, Stop bit, and Data bits values should be as shown in the above figure.
Confirm these setup values and click on the [OK] button.
Depending on the PC to be used, a baud rate that is too fast may hamper the communication.
If this is the case, employ a lower baud rate.
If the objective I/O Box to be connected to the PC is a Master I/O Box, select "SCSI" from the
"Configure" menu of the Upload/Download Utility, then select "Settings" from the same menu.
Fig. 2.9 SCSI Main Menu screen