Appendix Installation Method of Upload/Download Utility
The Upload/Download Utility software consists of the following software components:
File name Remark
LMWIN32.EXE Execution module of the Upload/Download Utility (GUI mode)
driver32.dll RS-232C driver
hfc32.dll Command analysis driver
Iman32.dll Connection monitor driver
scsidrv.dll SCSI connection driver
tcpip.dll Spare file for TCP IP connection
LMWIN.INI Execution initial conditions setup file
DEVICE.INI Configuration file
Other Other files/Help file required for the Upload/Download Utility
The above software components are supplied as a complete package. All files and libraries necessary
for installation can be generated from the “ Setup.exe “ program.
Syntax of the Installer Command
Start up “ Setup.exe ” from the setup directory in the supplied FD.