5. Q and A
Common to Satellite and Master I/O Boxes
It seems that it takes a rather long time for communication to start, doesn't it?
Communication between the IT-2000 and Satellite/Master I/O Box is performed according to IrDA
protocol. Generally, the IrDA protocol requires 2 to 3 seconds until communication between the
PC and IT-2000 is established. This period of time is required for each IT-2000 terminal.
It may take more than 10 seconds for communication to start if multiple Satellite and Master I/O
Boxes are connected under daisy-chain.
Which IrDA standard is used for communication between the IT-2000 and Satellite/Master I/O
Box ?
IrDA 1.0 is used for communication between the Satellite I/O Box and IT-2000, and IrDA 1.1 is
used for communication between the Master I/O Box and IT-2000.
If multiple Satellite I/O Boxes and Master I/O Boxes are to be chain-connected, is there an
order in which they must be connected?
They do not have to be connected in any particular order, since, with the IrDA protocol, the next
terminal to be connected is randomly selected each time communication has been completed up to
the current terminal.
Satellite I/O Box
What happens if the power to a Satellite I/O Box connected in the middle of the daisy-chain is
turned OFF ?
Communication can only be performed between the PC and the Satellite I/O Boxes, which are
located in the nearer positions to the PC delimited by the Satellite I/O Box having been powered off.