Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 5 Configuring Trunking
Configuration Example for F Port Trunking
34 output OLS, 19 LRR, 17 NOS, 12 loop inits
Example 5-2 Displays the Trunking Protocol
switch# show trunk protocol
Trunk protocol is enabled
Example 5-3 Displays Per VSAN Information on Trunk Ports
switch# show interface trunk vsan 1-1000
fc3/1 is not trunking
fc3/7 is trunking
Vsan 1000 is down (Isolation due to vsan not configured on peer)
fc3/10 is trunking
Vsan 1 is up, FCID is 0x760001
Vsan 2 is up, FCID is 0x6f0001
fc3/11 is trunking
Belongs to port-channel 6
Vsan 1 is up, FCID is 0xef0000
Vsan 2 is up, FCID is 0xef0000
port-channel 6 is trunking
Vsan 1 is up, FCID is 0xef0000
Vsan 2 is up, FCID is 0xef0000
Configuration Example for F Port Trunking
This example shows how to configure trunking and bring up the TF-TNP link between an F port in the
NPIV core switch and an NP port in the NPV switch:
Step 1 Enable the F port trunking and channeling protocol on the MDS core switch:
switch(config)# feature fport-channel-trunk
Step 2 Enable NPIV on the MDS core switch:
switch(config)# feature npiv
Step 3 Configure the port mode to auto, F, or Fx on the MDS core switch:
switch(config)# interface fc1/2
switch(config-if)# switchport mode F
Step 4 Configure the trunk mode to ON on the MDS core switch:
switch(config-if)# switchport trunk mode on
Step 5 Configure the port mode to NP on the NPV switch:
switch(config)# interface fc1/2
switch(config-if)# switchport mode NP
Step 6 Configure the trunk mode to ON on the NPV switch:
switch(config-if)# switchport trunk mode on