Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 7 Configuring N Port Virtualization
Information About N Port Virtualization
NP Ports
An NP port (proxy N port) is a port on a device that is in NPV mode and connected to the NPV core
switch using an F port. NP ports behave like N ports except that in addition to providing N port behavior,
they also function as proxies for multiple, physical N ports.
NP Links
An NP link is basically an NPIV uplink to a specific end device. NP links are established when the uplink
to the NPV core switch comes up; the links are terminated when the uplink goes down. Once the uplink
is established, the NPV switch performs an internal FLOGI to the NPV core switch, and then (if the
FLOGI is successful) registers itself with the NPV core switch’s name server. Subsequent FLOGIs from
end devices in this NP link are converted to FDISCs. For more details refer to the
“Internal FLOGI
Parameters” section on page 7-5.
Server links are uniformly distributed across the NP links. All the end devices behind a server link will
be mapped to only one NP link.
Internal FLOGI Parameters
When an NP port comes up, the NPV device first logs itself in to the NPV core switch and sends a FLOGI
request that includes the following parameters:
• The fWWN (fabric port WWN) of the NP port used as the pWWN in the internal login.
• The VSAN-based sWWN (switch WWN) of the NPV device used as nWWN (node WWN) in the
internal FLOGI.
After completing its FLOGI request, the NPV device registers itself with the fabric name server using
the following additional parameters:
• Switch name and interface name (for example, fc1/4) of the NP port is embedded in the symbolic
port name in the name server registration of the NPV device itself.
• The IP address of the NPV device is registered as the IP address in the name server registration of
the NPV device.
Note The BB_SCN of internal FLOGIs on NP ports is always set to zero. The BB_SCN is supported at the
F-port of the NPV device.