Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
interface modes 2-5
See also F ports; FL ports 2-5
Generation 1 switching modules
extended BB_credits 4-18
port index allocations 3-19
Generation 2 switching modules
buffer groups 4-2 to 4-15
configuring port speeds 3-29
configuring rate modes 3-30
default settings 3-25
description 3-1 to 3-3
disabling ACL adjacency sharing 3-43
displaying port resources 3-42
dynamic bandwidth management 3-10
extended BB_credits 4-17, 4-19
interface capabilities 3-44
out-of-service interfaces 3-11
port groups 3-3
port index allocations 3-19
port rate modes 3-5
recovering from powered-down state 3-21
releasing shared resources 3-42
taking interfaces out of service 3-41
Generation 3 switching modules
default settings 3-25
indirect link failures
recovering 9-1
adding to PortChannels 6-8, 6-18
configuring descriptions 2-26
default settings 2-20, 3-25, 5-11, 6-16
deleting from PortChannels 6-9
displaying information 2-42 to 2-49
displaying SFP information 2-48
forced addition to PortChannels 6-9, 6-19
isolated states 6-9
suspended states 6-9
IPv4 default gateways
configuring mgmt0 interfaces 2-17
PortChannel links 6-2
beacon mode states 2-11
speed 2-11
extended BB_credits 4-17, 4-18
link failures
recovering 9-1
load balancing
description 6-4
PortChannels 6-2
management interfaces
configuring 2-17, 2-37
default settings 2-20, 3-25, 5-11, 6-16
displaying information 2-55
features 2-17
mgmt0 interfaces
configuring 2-17, 2-37
default settings 2-20, 3-25, 5-11, 6-16
features 2-17
MPS-14/2 modules
configuring extended BB_credits 4-18