The following alerts appear on the performance graphs in XenCenter. See the XenCenter online help for more
• vm_cloned
• vm_crashed
• vm_rebooted
• vm_resumed
• vm_shutdown
• vm_started
• vm_suspended
Customizing Alerts
Triggers for alerts are checked at a minimum interval of five minutes (this avoids placing
excessive load on the system to check for these conditions and reporting of false positives);
setting an alert repeat interval smaller than this will result in the alerts still being generated
at the five minute minimum interval.
The performance monitoring perfmon runs once every 5 minutes and requests updates from XenServer which
are averages over 1 minute, but these defaults can be changed in /etc/sysconfig/perfmon.
Every 5 minutes perfmon reads updates of performance variables exported by the XAPI instance running on
the same host. These variables are separated into one group relating to the host itself, and a group for each VM
running on that host. For each VM and also for the host, perfmon reads in the other-config:perfmon
parameter and uses this string to determine which variables it should monitor, and under which circumstances
to generate a message.
vm:other-config:perfmon and host:other-config:perfmon values consist of an XML string like
the one below:
<name value="cpu_usage"/>
<alarm_trigger_level value="LEVEL"/>
<name value="network_usage"/>
<alarm_trigger_level value="LEVEL"/>
Valid VM Elements
what to call the variable (no default). If the name value is one of cpu_usage, network_usage, or
disk_usage the rrd_regex and alarm_trigger_sense parameters are not required as defaults
for these values will be used.
the priority of the messages generated (default 5)
level of value that triggers an alarm (no default)
high if alarm_trigger_level is a maximum value otherwise low if the alarm_trigger_level
is a minimum value. (default high)