Parameter Name Description Type
name-label The name of the patch read only
name-description The description string of the patch read only
applied Whether or not the patch has been applied;
true or false
read only
size Whether or not the patch has been applied;
true or false
read only
patch-apply uuid=<patch_file_uuid>
Apply the specified patch file.
patch-clean uuid=<patch_file_uuid>
Delete the specified patch file from the XenServer host.
patch-pool-apply uuid=<patch_uuid>
Apply the specified patch to all XenServer hosts in the pool.
patch-precheck uuid=<patch_uuid> host-uuid=<host_uuid>
Run the prechecks contained within the specified patch on the specified XenServer host.
patch-upload file-name=<patch_filename>
Upload a specified patch file to the XenServer host. This prepares a patch to be applied. On success, the UUID
of the uploaded patch is printed out. If the patch has previously been uploaded, a PATCH_ALREADY_EXISTS
error is returned instead and the patch is not uploaded again.
PBD Commands
Commands for working with PBDs (Physical Block Devices). These are the software objects through which the
XenServer host accesses storage repositories (SRs).
The PBD objects can be listed with the standard object listing command (xe pbd-list), and the parameters
manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level Parameter Commands”
for details.
PBD Parameters
PBDs have the following parameters: