update-upload file-name=<name_of_upload_file>
Streams a new software image to a OEM edition XenServer host. You must then restart the host for this to take
User Commands
user-password-change old=<old_password> new=<new_password>
Changes the password of the logged-in user. The old password field is not checked because you require supervisor
privilege to make this call.
VBD Commands
Commands for working with VBDs (Virtual Block Devices).
A VBD is a software object that connects a VM to the VDI, which represents the contents of the virtual disk. The
VBD has the attributes which tie the VDI to the VM (is it bootable, its read/write metrics, and so on), while the VDI
has the information on the physical attributes of the virtual disk (which type of SR, whether the disk is shareable,
whether the media is read/write or read only, and so on).
The VBD objects can be listed with the standard object listing command (xe vbd-list), and the parameters
manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level Parameter Commands”
for details.
VBD Parameters
VBDs have the following parameters:
Parameter Name Description Type
uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the VBD
read only
vm-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the VM this VBD is
attached to
read only
vm-name-label the name of the VM this VBD is
attached to
read only
vdi-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the VDI this VBD is
mapped to
read only
vdi-name-label the name of the VDI this VBD is
mapped to
read only
empty if true, this represents an empty
read only
device the device seen by the guest, for
example hda1
read only
userdevice user-friendly device name read/write
bootable true if this VBD is bootable read/write