Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation process.
Follow the onscreen instructions. When asked what kind of mobile
device you have, choose AudiblePlayer for Windows CE.
Once the software has been installed, the Audible Configuration
Wizard will activate your AudiblePlayer so that it can play audio
programs that you purchase from Audible.com.
Back up your data using ActiveSync Backup/Restore or the CF
Backup/Restore Utility.
IMPORTANT: In the event that you lose all data on your Aero 2100
(through a power loss, or by removing both batteries), the AudiblePlayer
data stored on the Aero 2100 is also erased. In this situation, use the
backup file you created above to restore your data so that you can use
AudiblePlayer again. Otherwise, contact Audible Customer Service for
Purchasing Audio Programs
AudiblePlayer is part of the Audible MobileAudio System. You can
purchase programs from the Audible.com store or download them from a
Mobile RealAudio–enabled Web site.
To set up an Audible account at the Audible.com store, access the
www.audible.com Web site on the Internet. Click Create an account and
follow the onscreen instructions.
For more detailed information, see the AudiblePlayer User’s Manual on
your desktop PC (installs automatically when you install