Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
For safety and convenience when traveling with your Compaq Aero 2100
Series, follow these guidelines:
Back up your data before you leave.
Take a backup copy of your data with you.
Disconnect all external equipment from the device.
Take the AC adapter and new batteries with you.
Hand-carry your device in a protective case. Do not check it with your
Be aware of potential effects of airport security devices on your Palm-
size PC.
CAUTION: There are three types of airport security devices: X-ray
machines, magnetic detectors (the device you walk through), and
security magnetic wands. You can send your device through airport
X-ray machines. However, Compaq recommends that you do not
send the device through magnetic detectors or expose it to security
magnetic wands.
Check with the airline if you plan to use the device on the plane. In-
flight use of electronic devices is at the discretion of the airline.
International Travel
Before traveling internationally with your Compaq Aero 2100 Series, be
sure to:
Check local customs regulations.
If using an external modem or CompactFlash card modem, be sure to
have the correct modem and cable for the country you are visiting.
Telephone lines differ from country to country.