Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
chapter 18
This topic contains some tips that may help you to get better service from
your Compaq Aero 2100 Series. It also has a troubleshooting section that
can help you to solve any problems you might encounter with your
To help diagnose a malfunction, use the Diagnostic utility, which activates
a debugging and system diagnostic tool. Tap Q
ààQUtilities and select the
Diagnostic tab. For more information, see "Diagnostics" in Chapter 4.
If you can't solve a particular problem, see "Finding Information" in the
Preface. The various documents and Web sites listed here may have the
information you need to solve the problem.
If you encounter a problem that you cannot solve, contact your Compaq
authorized dealer, reseller, or service provider for assistance.
This chapter describes the following features:
infrared communications troubleshooting
partnership troubleshooting
screen and stylus troubleshooting
system response troubleshooting
memory troubleshooting
battery and power troubleshooting
routine maintenance
travel guidelines