103 - xx DMA page registers test Replace the system board.
104 - xx Interrupt controller Replace the system board.
master test failed
105 - xx Port 61 error Replace the system board.
106 - xx Keyboard controller 1. If using an external
self-test failed keyboard, try another
keyboard. If second
keyboard passes, replace
first one.
2. Replace the system board.
107 - xx CMOS RAM test failed Replace the system board.
108 - xx CMOS interrupt test failed Replace the system board.
109 - xx CMOS clock load data test Replace the system board.
110 - xx Programmable timer load Replace the system board.
data test failed
111 - xx Refresh detect test failed Replace the system board.
112 - xx Speed test slow mode out Replace the system board.
of range
113 - 01 Protected mode test failed Replace the system board.
114 - 01 Speaker test failed 1. Check system configuration
to verify that speaker is
2. Replace the keyboard
3. Replace the system board.
116 - xx Cache test failed Replace the system board.
Table 5-3. Memory Computer Checkup Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
200 - xx Invalid memory 1. Run Computer Setup.
configuration 2. Replace the system board.
201 - xx Memory machine ID test The following steps apply to
failed 201 - xx through 202 - xx error
202 - xx Memory system ROM 1. Run Computer Setup.
checksum failed 2. Replace the system board.
203 - xx Memory write/read test The following steps apply to
failed 203 - xx through 210 - xx error