lack of user
Brightness and Press the Fn + F9 keys to
contrast needs adjust the brightness. Use
adjusting. the left and right arrow
keys to adjust brightness.
Press the Fn + F8 keys to
adjust the contrast.
Display has If computer is in direct
overheated. sunlight, move it and allow
it to cool off.
Display is blank and System is in Standby. Press the Power/standby
the Power/standby button to exit Standby.
indicator is
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Screen is blank, the System has entered a If available, immediately
Power/standby low battery Standby connect the computer to an
indicator is condition. The external power source or
flashing, and the computer will next insert a charged battery
battery indicator is activate Hibernation, pack. Then press the
flashing. if this feature is standby button to exit
not disabled. Standby.
If another power source is
not immediately available
and Hibernation is
disabled, attempt to exit
Standby and save any open
files. However, the
computer may not have
enough power to do this.
If you have not disabled
Hibernation, the computer
automatically hibernates.
Do not interfere with the
computer while it is
hibernating. Once the
computer has turned off,
insert a charged battery
pack or connect the
computer to another power
source, then turn the
computer back on.
Computer display is Display function was Press the Fn + F4 keys to
blank and the screen switched to the activate the computer
on an external external monitor. display. Press the keys
monitor displays again to display
information. information simultaneously.