Table 5-26. Solving Software Application Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Cannot use an The application has 1. Add or edit the
application. not been added to the application entry in the
PATH statement. AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
2. Run the program with the
full path name.
Application fails or A conflict exists Close all applications
does not work between applications. being used.
Insufficient memory Too many TSRs are Delete any TSR applications
to run application. installed. that are not needed.
Application requires Exit Windows and enter
Windows to be run in again using the following
enhanced mode. command to run in enhanced
mode: WIN/3
Memory configuration Re configure the memory
is not set up using MS-DOS MEMMAKER.
1. Check the application
System ran out of documentation for
memory for the memory requirements.
application. 2. Install additional
Table 5-27. Solving Sound Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Computer does not Beeps have been Press the Fn+F5 keys to
beep after the turned off. turn the speaker on.
Power-On Self-Test
Chapter 5.4 Contacting Compaq Support
Obtain the following information before contacting Compaq Support:
o Product name
o Product serial number (Section 1.2)
o Purchase date
o Conditions under which the problem occurred
o Any error messages that have occurred
o Hardware configuration