Local I/O riser
The I/O riser module that is on the QBB backplane.
Local primary CPU
The CPU chosen to be the primary CPU in a QBB.
Local testing
Testing confined to the QBB on which the CPU doing
the testing resides.
Memory directory
See Directory module.
Operator control panel; used by the operator to control
the system. It has a keyswitch, display screen,
indicators, and buttons. The keyswitch is used to power
the system up or down or to secure it from remote
access. The screen displays messages during booting.
Indicators show system state. The buttons reset or halt
the system.
A subset of a system’s CPUs, memory, and I/O that
runs its own copy (instance) of an operating system.
See also Hard partition, Soft partition.
PBM PCI backplane manager; monitors and manages the
environment and components in the PCI box in which it
PCI backplane
See PBM.
PCI expansion box
A PCI box without a standard I/O module, console
ports, and storage devices.
PCI master box
A PCI box containing a standard I/O module plus
console ports and storage devices.
PCI box
An enclosure that provides 14 PCI slots (four PCI
buses, two four-slot buses and two three-slot buses). A
master PCI box contains a standard I/O module with
the system control manager microprocessor, console
ports, storage devices, and logic for the control panel.
For redundancy, a secondary PCI master box also has
these capabilities. PCI expansion boxes do not have the
standard I/O module, console ports, storage devices,
and control panel logic.