GS160/320 System Overview 2-23
Power cables and components are color-coded to ensure proper identification
and easy handling.
NOTE: Color-coded components and power cables must match to ensure proper
power distribution, particularly in hard-partitioned systems.
Figure 2–17 shows each system box and its color-related power subrack and AC
input box. The AC input box also has color-coded circuit breakers. Each AC
input box provides power to the subracks, PCI boxes, and storage shelves.
Power distribution and signal cables are connected from the power subrack to
the QBB backplanes through a power distribution bulkhead. Another cable is
used to provide power to the blower, located at the bottom of the system cabinet,
and the control panel, located in the power cabinet.
Each QBB has its own main power module and auxiliary power module. Each
CPU module has its own power converter that converts the 48 VDC to the
required voltage.
When the main power circuit breaker (CB1) is on and the AC input box is
plugged in, the console serial bus (CSB) has auxiliary power (Vaux), enabling
the system control manager (SCM) to power up the system.
See Section 2.4.1 for more information on the AC input box and circuit breakers.