Chapter 4: Command Line Interface 35
To assign outlet 4, 6, 7, and 8 to user tess, enter the following.
The buzzer command displays or changes the buzzer notification status. When set to on, a buzzer
sounds when the current exceeds the threshold. This command is available to the admin user only.
buzzer <on|off|status>
on Enables buzzer
off Disables buzzer
status Displays the buzzer status
To get the current status of the buzzer notification, enter the following.
To turn buzzer notification on or off, enter the following.
The current command displays the total current drawn by Cyclades PM IPDUs and the maximum
current the unit has drawn (current peak). It may also be used to clear the saved peak current value.
pm>assign 4, 6-8 tess
4: Outlet assigned to tess.
6: Outlet assigned to tess.
7: Outlet assigned to tess.
8: Outlet assigned to tess.
pm>buzzer status
Buzzer is ON on IPDU #1
Buzzer is ON on IPDU #2
pm>buzzer on
Buzzer turned ON on IPDU #1
Buzzer turned ON on IPDU #2
pm>buzzer off
Buzzer turned OFF on IPDU #1
Buzzer turned OFF on IPDU #2