Chapter 4: Command Line Interface 57
The unassign command removes the assignment of an outlet or group of outlets from a given user.
This command is available to the admin user only.
unassign <outlet_string> <user>
<outlet_string> Outlet number, such as “5”, outlet name such as “sunfire”, or group of
outlets such as “1, 3-5”
<user> Desired username
To unassign outlet 2 and 4 from user diderot, enter the following.
The unlock command unlocks an outlet or group of outlets in the current state. The response to this
command is a list of status lines, one per power port.
unlock all|<outlet_string>
<outlet_string> Outlet number, such as “5”, outlet name such as “sunfire”, or group of
outlets such as “1, 3-5”
all Unlocks all outlets in the PM IPDU or PM IPDU daisy chain
To unlock outlets 2, 3, 4, and 8, enter the following.
pm>unassign 2,4 diderot
2: Outlet no longer assigned to diderot.
4: Outlet no longer assigned to diderot.
pm>unlock 2-4,8
2: Outlet unlocked.
3: Outlet unlocked.
4: Outlet unlocked.
8: Outlet unlocked.