
Chapter 4: Command Line Interface 43
To view the system help message for all commands, enter the following.
The humidity command displays the Cyclades PM IPDU’s surrounding humidity and the
maximum humidity the IPDU has registered (humidity peak). It may also be used to clear the saved
peak humidity value. This command only works on PM IPDU models with a humidity sensor.
humidity [<IPDU#>|<IPDU_ID>]|reset
Available commands:
adduser alarm assign
buzzer current currentprotection
currseg cycle dbsync
deluser display exit
factory_defaults help hwocp
humidity id interval
list lock name
off on passwd
reboot restore save
status syslog temperature
unassign unlock upgrade
ver voltage whoami
NOTE: To get detailed help on the commands listed above type
'<command> help';
NOTE: Some commands accept as input a data type called
<outletString>. <outletString> is a string representing
one or more outlets. This string can be:
- one single outlet.
Examples: on 3 (turn on outlet 3);
off router (turn off the outlet called router).
- a group of outlets.
Examples: status 1,3,5 (get status of outlets 1, 3 and 5);
lock 2,5-7 (lock the outlets 2, 5, 6 and 7).